Your preferred partner
onshore and offshore


Prevent, prepare and manage effectively



We offer health and safety solutions to help you prevent, prepare and manage critical situations effectively and ensure that your team is performing in a safe and healthy manner. We provide assistance tailored to your company’s needs and to the need of individual employees.

Always available globally and open to all flags and locations. Our team of psychologists and experts are experienced in the area of health and safety and familiar with the challenges on board ships and in other parts of transport. We ensure that our team is regularly updated and ready to go based on established ethical standards and procedures.


Latest news from CONOVAH



We help you manage critical situations effectively and ensure that your team is performing in a safe and healthy manner. We help you and your employees manage and cope in events such as industrial accidents, deaths or other serious incidents on board, pressure of work, stress, dismissal and other work-related and/or personal issues in situations with accidents.

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CONOVAH offer a broad range of services within health and safety. Depending on your needs, we can design and facilitate new campaigns, give your procedures and processes a critical walk-through, facilitate change processes or implementation of new procedures. We can provide subject matter expertise to your own internal health and safety publications or training and provide input and presentations to your internal officers seminars and other similar events and courses. Let us know what your needs are and we will assist you.



We have prepared and designed courses that address key elements in a healthy working environment and that supports good mental health. Contact us and we will find a date for your course. We strongly believe in tailormade courses, so please contact us if you would like us to design a course specifically for your needs.

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New Publications

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New guide on wellbeing at sea

The UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency is behind the development of this new guidance for organisations and leaders and the accompanying pocket guide for seafarers.

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New pocket Guide for Seafarers on Wellbeing

The pocket guide for seafaerers on wellbeing at sea covers a broad range of topics from health and wellbeing to financial and practical matters.

Contact us now


You are more than welcome to contact us whether your request is very specific or you just want more information and informally see what we can do for you. We are ready to advice, provide guidance and give expert views on workplace health and safety.


How to find us:
